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Saturday, January 26, 2019
AO's Latest Talks (Podcasts & Videos)
Jesus & Woman at Well. Joseph in Gen44. Believing Thomas. Mk 10 Jesus4Wives&Kids. No, Mr. Eggerichs, Men don't need Respect, B, C. John20 Passover~Betrothal~Communion Romance, needs these slides. Jesus as Hercules. Wild Apologetics vid/ podcast. 'Missions' hid in OT1&2. Father loves Son. Crazy Paul & Luther Romans 1. Jesus the Hypocrite. Human Nature Counselling Course Oct18 4x50mins: Romance & Dragons; Symptoms & Psychobabble; Betrayers & Pretenders; Atonement & Wedding. Same 4 talks but 40% longer @ Bullcreek Apr19: doc 1 2 3 4. Gospel of John ch18-20 Passion '19: Arrest, Trial, (+note), Crucifixion, Resurrection.