Wednesday, February 13, 2019


These links re RELATIONSHIPS have been the most read/ listened to/ shared for years.
ANGER ARTICLE - Many have read, hated, loved, and forwarded this surprise perspective on a much-cherished emotion.  Here's another chap.  Violence/ Sexual Assault here.  Here's Neurobiology of anger as addiction.
HOW TO PREDICT YOUR RELATIONSHIP FUTURE - This entertaining seminar has tons of terrifying research that has been proven to directly predict divorce/ relationship breakdown and directly save marriages. Diagnostic radiotherapy. (Yes, Dx Rx!).  If u liked, try PART 2
PORN, PROSTITUTION, LUST & ADULTERY are NOT SEX ISSUES AT CORE! - Stay enslaved by using normal language.  Get free by using far more interesting and accurate descriptions.  Porn Effects Research19 driversPorn meanings, with links to chase.
VERBAL ABUSE is fine art because it appears to be talk of love, care and concern...
TRAUMA & MEMORYDad v JesusPaedophile v Jesus.
2 HEALTH-CHECK SCORESHEETS: a BEAUTIFUL vs. UGLY Marriage.  Rate yours and also rate your parents.  The #1 predictor of how we treat our spouse is what we witnessed before teens!
MARRIAGE, SIN, GOSPEL - a wedding sermon.
FORGIVENESS requires accusation & repentance says Jesus!  & 1, 2, 3.
DIVORCE THEOLOGIES EXPOSED - Get shocked about what the bible actually teaches against common Christian doctrines of divorce!  Short sharp version here, deeper foundation here.  Hebrew & Greek basis hereNew Greek Discovery.  See also great web articles re marital abuse-divorce: AB & C.  Domestic Violence here.  Why do Men DV? free book here.