Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Redemptive Conversations Learning Groups

Redemptive Conversations Groups
Group 1 is on Mondays 7pm, Group 2 is on Wednesdays 9:30am

We talk about family, God, school, history, struggles, counselling theory, childhood, culture, abuse, relationships, theology, memory, scripture, you name it.  Every week you will be part of the deepest and best conversations of someone's life.  Folks say they feel found, heard, seen, understood, and profoundly changed, and most sign right up to do it again the next term.  Just imagine being truly heard, and listening with deeper engagement than ever.  Wholesome intimacy is transformative. 
These groups are run by Andrew Olsen who counsels (here) and teaches (here).  They run from weeks 2-9 of School Terms.  This one starts 3rd & 5th May 2020.  

These groups are highly unique in at least two ways:
  1. We learn how to have deep and redemptive conversations by having them.  Everyone contributes to and experiences the group equally by taking turns at being the speaker and the listener/ the client and the counsellor/ the story teller and the journalist.
  2. The teaching/ learning curriculum content is delivered entirely ‘live’ - learning by seeing and experiencing it.  However, there are no role-plays, we just talk about real things that are on our hearts.  
If you come, you will develops maps of:
  • how soul health and disorders are created, maintained, and repaired.
  • how to get from A to B to C to Z in a conversation/ counselling session/ relationship.
  • how our ways of living and relating with God and with others are deeply connected. 
  • how the gospel relates deeply to the realms of mental health and trauma, suffering and sin, repentance, healing and hope.
You will leave with:
  • a more effective map of your soul and all souls
  • direct experiences of profound and effective conversations and counselling
  • increased personal capacity for wholesome intimate relationships
Venue:          Online Video Conference
Times:           Monday Nights 7pm - 9:30pm.  Wednesday Mornings 9 - 11:30.
Dates:           3rd/5th May – 22nd/24th June 2020 - 8 Weeks.
Cost:             $400 -
                     with $100 discount if you bring someone new to these workshops.    
                     Financial Hardship: change the costs above while praying,  
                     then pay that amount and don't tell me.

To register, please send your phone # and proof of payment to AndrewOlsenMail(at) 
Payment goes to Andrew Olsen, Westpac Bullcreek, BSB 736302, Account 597801. 

We agree to meet for 2+ hours each week.  We usually go for 3, and sometimes nobody will leave when we finish ;-)  We do still meet on Public Holidays.

This course is a companion course to ‘Human Nature & Relationships’ training course in which the counselling model, theory, and theology behind these groups is explained.  One of these courses is being taught on Tuesday evenings.  They also run for 8 weeks in each term.  Click here for more information.  Email for particular questions here.